Durante mi carrera académica he realizado numerosas publicaciones en revistas, congresos y seminarios. Mis principales líneas de investigación se han centrado en: 1. Innovación de producto, 2. Innovación en modelos de negocio, 3. Nuevas tecnologías. Te invito a que visites esta sección y descubras cuáles son mis trabajos mas relevantes.
Artículos científicos
- Stanko, M., Hernandez-Ortega, B., Molina-Castillo, Francisco-Jose, Rishika, R.; Franco, J. (2022). Using social media to connect with your most loyal customers. Harvard Business Review, December.
- Molina-Castillo, Francisco-Jose, Stanko, M.A., Islam, N. de Reuver, M. (2022). The Impact of Technological Turbulence on SMEs Business Model Innovation Performance: The Contingent Role of Entry Order. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, In press.
- Hernández-Ortega, B.I., Stanko, M.A., Rishika, R., Molina-Castillo, Francisco-Jose, Franco, J. (2022). Brand-generated social media content and its differential impact on loyalty program members. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 50, 1071–1090.
- Molina-Castillo, Francisco-Jose, Rodríguez, R., López-Nicolas, C., Bouwman, H. (2022). The role of ERP in business model innovation: Impetus or impediment. Digital Business, 2(2), 1-12.
- Andersson, S., Svensson, G., Molina-Castillo, Francisco-Jose, Otero-Neira, Carmen, Lindgren, J., Karlsson, N., Laurell, H. (2022). Sustainable development—Direct and indirect effects between economic, social, and environmental dimensions in business practices. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, In press.
- Molina-Castillo, Francisco Jose, de Reuver, M., Bouwman, H, Clavel, J.G (2022). Business model experimentation in SMEs: the application of a dual scaling technique. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, In press.
- Molina-Castillo, Francisco Jose, Penz, E., Stöttinger, B. (2021). Towards a general model explaining physical and digital counterfeits. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 39(7), 873-892.
- Molina-Castillo, Francisco Jose; Sinkovics, Noemi; Sinkovics, R.; (2021): “Sustainable business model innovation: Review, analysis and impact on society”. Sustainability, 13(16), 1-4.
- Sinkovics, Noemi, Gunaratne, D., Sinkovics, R., Molina-Castillo, Francisco Jose (2021). Sustainable business model innovation: An umbrella review. Sustainability, 13(13), 1-17.
- Sanchez-Cobarro, P. D., Molina-Castillo, F. J., & Alcazar-Caceres, C. (2021). The Brand-Generated Content Interaction of Instagram Stories and Publications: A Comparison between Retailers and Manufacturers. Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research, 16(3), 513-524.
- Rodriguez, R., Molina-Castillo, F. J., & Svensson, G. (2020). Enterprise resource planning and business model innovation: process, evolution and outcome. European Journal of Innovation Management, 23(4), 728-752.
- Rodríguez, R., Molina-Castillo, F.-J., & Svensson, G. (2020). The mediating role of organizational complexity between enterprise resource planning and business model innovation. Industrial Marketing Management, 84(1), 328-341.
- Molina-Castillo, F.-J., Lopez-Nicolas, C., & de Reuver, M. (2020). Mobile Payment: The Hiding Impact of Learning Costs on User Intentions. Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research, 15(1), 1-12.
- Lopez-Nicolas, C., Nikou, S., Molina-Castillo, F.-J., & Bouwman, H. (2020). Gender differences and business model experimentation in European SMEs. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 35(7), 1205-1219.
- Stanko, M., Hernandez-Ortega, B., Molina-Castillo, Francisco-Jose, Rishika, R.; Franco, J. (2019). Using social media to connect with your most loyal customers. Harvard Business Review, December.
- Molina-Castillo, F.-J., Meroño-Cerdan, A.-L., & López-Nicolás, C. (2019). Impact of business model objectives on marketing innovation activities. European Journal of Innovation Management, 23(1), 177-195.
- Bouwman, H., Nikou, S., Molina-Castillo, F. J., & de Reuver, M. (2018). The impact of digitalization on business models. Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance, 20(2), 105-124.
- Meroño-Cerdán, Á. L., López-Nicolás, C., & Molina-Castillo, F.-J. (2017). Risk aversion, innovation and performance in family firms. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 27(2), 189-203.
- Molina-Castillo, F. J., Rodriguez-Guirao, A., Lopez-Nicolas, C., & Bouwman, H. (2016). Analysis of mobile pre-payment (pay in advance) and post-payment (pay later) services. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 14(5).
- Gonzalvez-Gallego, Nicolás, Molina-Castillo, Francisco-Jose, Soto-Acosta, Pedro, Varajao, Joao, Trigo, Antonio (2015). Using integrated information systems in supply chain management. Enterprise Information Systems, 9(2), 210-232.
- Trigo, A., Varajo, J., Acosta, P. S., Gallego, N. G., & Castillo, F. J. M. (2015). Influence of firm size on the adoption of enterprise information systems: insights from Iberian firms. International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 14(4), 233-252.
- Stanko, M. A., Molina-Castillo, F.-J., & Harmancioglu, N. (2015). It Won’t Fit! For Innovative Products, Sometimes That’s for the Best. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 32(1), 122-137.
- Calantone, R., & Molina-Castillo, F.-J. (2015). A search for theoretical plurality in new product launch. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, 25(1), 49-58.
- Soto-Acosta, P., Jose Molina-Castillo, F., Lopez-Nicolas, C., & Colomo-Palacios, R. (2014). The effect of information overload and disorganisation on intention to purchase online. Online Information Review, 38(4), 543-561.
- Okazaki, S., Navarro-Bailón, M. Á., & Molina-Castillo, F.-J. (2014). Privacy Concerns in Quick Response Code Mobile Promotion: The Role of Social Anxiety and Situational Involvement. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 16(4), 91-120.
- Molina-Castillo, F.-J., & Meroño-Cerdan, A.-L. (2014). Drivers of Mobile Application Acceptance by Consumers. International Journal of E-Services and mobile applications, 6(3), 34-47.
- Lopez-Nicolas, Carolina, Molina-Castillo, Francisco-Jose (2012). Special Issue on Papers Presented at the I International ConferenceTechnological Innovation in a Mobile World 2012. International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications. 6 – 3, pp. 1-5
- Stanko, M. A., Bohlmann, J. D., & Molina-Castillo, F.-J. (2013). Demand-side inertia factors and their benefits for innovativeness. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 41(6), 649-668.
- Plugge, A., Bouwman, H., & Molina-Castillo, F.-J. (2013). Outsourcing capabilities, organizational structure and performance quality monitoring: Toward a fit model. Information & Management, 50(6), 275-284.
- Molina-Castillo, F.-J., Calantone, R. J., Stanko, M. A., & Munuera-Aleman, J.-L. (2013). Product Quality as a Formative Index: Evaluating an Alternative Measurement Approach. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 30(2), 380-398.
- Stanko, M. A., Molina-Castillo, F.-J., & Munuera-Aleman, J.-L. (2012). Speed to Market for Innovative Products: Blessing or Curse? Journal of Product Innovation Management, 29(5), 751-765.
- Okazaki, S., Molina, F. J., & Hirose, M. (2012). Mobile advertising avoidance: exploring the role of ubiquity. Electronic Markets, 22(3), 169-183.
- Okazaki, S. Navarro-Bailon, Maria de los Angeles, Molina-Castillo, Francisco-Jose (2012). Information privacy concerns in QR code mobile promotion: The moderating effects of social anxiety and situational involvement. International Journal of Electronic Commerce. 16 – 4, pp. 91-120.
- Molina‐Castillo, F. J., Rodriguez‐Escudero, A. I., & Munuera‐Aleman, J. L. (2012). Do switching costs really provide a first‐mover advantage? Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 30(2), 165-187.
- Molina-Castillo, F.-J., Lopez-Nicolas, C., & Soto-Acosta, P. (2012). Interaction effects of media and message on perceived complexity, risk and trust of innovative products. European Management Journal, 30(6), 577-587.
- Hernandez‐Espallardo, M., Molina‐Castillo, F. J., & Rodriguez‐Orejuela, A. (2012). Learning processes, their impact on innovation performance and the moderating role of radicalness. European Journal of Innovation Management, 15(1), 77-98.
- Bouwman, H., Lopez-Nicolás, Carolina, Molina-Castillo, F. J. M., & Hattum, P. V. (2012). Consumer lifestyles: alternative adoption patterns for advanced mobile services. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 10(2).
- Molina-Castillo, F.-J., Munuera-Alemán, J.-L., & Calantone, R. J. (2011). Product Quality and New Product Performance: The Role of Network Externalities and Switching Costs. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 28(6), 915-929.
- Molina-Castillo, F.-J., Jimenez-Jimenez, D., & Munuera-Aleman, J.-L. (2011). Product competence exploitation and exploration strategies: The impact on new product performance through quality and innovativeness. Industrial Marketing Management, 40(7), 1172-1182.
- Bouwman, H., Carlsson, C., Lopez-Nicolas, C., McKenna, B., Molina-Castillo, F., Tuunanen, T., & Walden, P. (2011). Mobile Travel Services: The Effect of Moderating Context Factors. Information Technology & Tourism, 13(2), 57-74.
- Verkasalo, H., López-Nicolás, C., Molina-Castillo, F. J., & Bouwman, H. (2010). Analysis of users and non-users of smartphone applications. Telematics and Informatics, 27(3), 242-255.
- Trigo, A., Varajão, J., Soto-Acosta, P., Barroso, J., Molina-Castillo, F. J., & Gonzalvez-Gallego, N. (2010). IT Professionals. International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals, 1(1), 61-75.
- Gonzalvez-Gallego, N., Soto-Acosta, P., Trigo, A., Molina-Castillo, F. J., & Varajao, J. (2010). ICT Effect on Supply Chain Performance: An Empirical Approach on Spanish and Portuguese Large Companies. Universia Business Review(28), 102-114.
- Bouwman, H., Carlsson, C., Lopez-Nicolas, C., McKenna, B., Molina-Castillo, F., Tuunanen, T., & Walden, P. (2010). Mobile travel services: A three-country study into the impact of local circumstances. 9th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA).
- Bouwman, H., Carlsson, C., Castillo, F. J. M., Giaglis, G. M., & Walden, P. (2010). Factors affecting the present and future use of mobile data services: comparing the Dutch, Finnish and Greek markets. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 8(4).
- Sinkovics, R. R., Penz, E., & Castillo, F. J. M. (2009). Qualitative Analyse von Online Communities für Neuproduktentscheidungen. der markt, 48(1-2), 61-72.
- Molina-Castillo, F.-J., & Munuera-Aleman, J.-L. (2009). The joint impact of quality and innovativeness on short-term new product performance. Industrial Marketing Management, 38(8), 984-993.
- Molina-Castillo, F.-J., & Munuera-Alemán, J.-L. (2009). New product performance indicators: Time horizon and importance attributed by managers. Technovation, 29(10), 714-724.
- Bouwman, Harry, Carlsson, Christer, Walden, Pirkko, Molina-Castillo, Francisco-Jose (2009). Reconsidering the actual and future use of mobile services. Information Systems and E-business Management. 7 – 3, pp. 301-317.
- Molina-Castillo, F. J., & Munuera-Aleman, J. L. (2008). Impact of product innovativeness and product quality on short-term and long-term new product performance in Spanish firms. Universia Business Review(20), 68-83.
- López-Nicolás, C., Molina-Castillo, F. J., & Bouwman, H. (2008). An assessment of advanced mobile services acceptance: Contributions from TAM and diffusion theory models. Information & Management, 45(6), 359-364.
- Lopez-Nicolas, C., & Molina-Castillo, F. J. (2008). Customer Knowledge Management and E-commerce: The role of customer perceived risk. International Journal of Information Management, 28(2), 102-113.
- Bouwman, H., Carlsson, C., Walden, P., & Molina‐Castillo, F. J. (2008). Trends in mobile services in Finland 2004‐2006: from ringtones to mobile internet. Info, 10(2), 75-93.
- Bouwman, H., Carlsson, C., Walden, P., & Molina-Castillo, F. J. (2008). Reconsidering the actual and future use of mobile services. Information Systems and E-Business Management, 7(3), 301-317.
- Molina-Castillo, F. J., & Lopez-Nicolas, C. (2007). Innovative products on the internet: the role of trust and perceived risk. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 4(1).
- Bouwman, H., Carlsson, C., Molina-Castillo, F. J., & Walden, P. (2007). Barriers and drivers in the adoption of current and future mobile services in Finland. Telematics and Informatics, 24(2), 145-160.
Artículos divulgativos
- Stanko, Michael A., Hernandez-Ortega, Blanca, Molina-Castillo, Francisco-Jose, Rishika, Rishika, Franco, Jose (2020). Using social media to connect with your most loyal customers. Harvard Business Review, 12 (1), 1-10.
- Molina-Castillo, F.-J., Moreno Morcillo, C., & Hernandez-Ortega, B. I. (2019). Concurso en redes sociales: una oportunidad de oro para fomentar la interactividad con nuestros usuarios. Harvard Deusto, 157, 1-7.
- Molina-Castillo, F.-J., Molina Trujillo, Maria (2018). Los límites del marketing de influencia en las decisiones de compra. Investigación y marketing, 139(1), 16-19.
- Coursaris, C. K., Van Osch, W., López-Nicolás, C., Molina-Castillo, F. J., & Rapp, N. (2013). Driving website performance using web analytics: A case study.
- Molina-Castillo, F.-J., Sinkovics, R., & Penz, E. (2010). Comunidades online, comunidades virtuales y mundos virtuales: una revisión teórica y aplicación empresarial. Investigación y marketing(107), 40-45.
- Munuera-Aleman, Jose-Luis, Moreno-Moya, Maria, Gatterman-Perin, Marcelo, Molina-Castillo, Francisco-Jose (2008). Apuntes sobre la innovación y el desarrollo de los nuevos productos en España y Murcia. Gestión. Revista de Economía. 44 – 1, pp. 11-20.
- Molina-Castillo, Francisco-Jose, Cuestas-Diaz, Pedro-Jesus (2008). Las ferias comerciales y el marketing electrónico: Un análisis comparativo. Información Comercial Española. Revista de Economía. 840, pp. 141-153.
- Molina-Castillo, Francisco-Jose, Munuera-Aleman, Jose-Luis (2007). Análisis de los nuevos productos a nivel regional del sector de las TIC: Un estudio comparativo de las empresas murcianas y españolas. Gestión. Revista de Economía. 4-42, pp. 10 -17.
Libros y capítulos de libro
- Molina-Castillo, Francisco-Jose, Meroño-Cerdan, Angel-Luis (2017). Drivers of Mobile Application Acceptance by Consumers: A meta analytical review. Mobile Commerce: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. 2, pp. 42 – 58. IGI Global.
- Lopez-Nicolas, C., & Molina-Castillo, F. J. (2016). Mobile Payment and Business Model Innovation: A Longitudinal Analysis from a Customer Perspective. Norristown: Int Business Information Management Assoc-Ibima.
- Sinkovics, R. R., Penz, E., & Molina-Castillo, F. J. (2014). Qualitative Analysis of Online Communities to Support International Business Decisions. In F. J. Martínez-López (Ed.), Handbook of Strategic e-Business Management (pp. 841-862): Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Meroño-Cerdan, Angel-Luis, Durendez-Gomez, Antonio-Luis, Monreal-Martinez, Juan, Molina-Castillo, Francisco-Jose (2014). Comercialización e internacionalización en la empresa familiar. Barómetro de la Empresa Familiar de la Región de Murcia. 12, pp. 1-40.
- López-Nicolás, C., & Molina-Castillo, F.-J. (2013). CRM for Innovation in European Companies. In Supply Chain Management (pp. 812-822).
- López-Nicolás, C., & Molina-Castillo, F.-J. (2012). Perceived Risks of Customer Knowledge Management. In Customer-Centric Knowledge Management (pp. 19-31).
- Meroño-Cerdan, Angel-Luis, Lopez-Nicolas, Carolina, Molina-Castillo, Francisco-Jose (2012). Efecto moderador del carácter familiar en la contribución de la orientación al riesgo e innovación sobre el desempeño. El éxito de la empresa familiar. La relación entre negocio y familia. 1, pp. 31 – 55. Civitas.
- Lopez-Nicolas, Carolina, Molina-Castillo, Francisco-Jose. (2011). Perceived risks of customer knowledge management. Customer-centric Knowledge Management. 2, pp. 19 – 31. HersheyIGI Global.
- Trigo, A., Varajao, J., Barroso, J., Soto-Acosta, P., Molina-Castillo, F. J., & Gonzalvez-Gallego, N. (2011). Enterprise Information Systems Adoption in Iberian Large Companies: Motivations and Trends. Managing Adaptability, Intervention, and People in Enterprise Information Systems, 204-228.
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